what happened to tom and angie from the toyota ads

It's frustrating being me.  I was built-in with a cistron that makes me ponder thoughts nobody else cares near.  Trust me, it'due south led to a lifetime of comments like, "Don't you have more important things to think near?" or "WOW! Somebody'southward got a lot of complimentary time."

The truth is, I don't take any complimentary time, only I can't help the fact that my mind fixates on things like, "Why would Cracker Barrel put upwards a billboard showing a plate of carrots? Nobody pulls off the highway for carrots."

What'southward worse is when I verbalize these thoughts to other people, such as, "Isn't is crazy the way all the birds line up on attorney Dan Newlin'southward caput on the billboard past the 33rd street jail?"  To which the response is e'er, "Didn't observe".

So, I've tried lately to care less.  Simply yesterday, I didn't care about a misspelling on a Chinese nutrient menu or the fact that Tiki Barber definitely used the female parent of all muddy words during Olympic coverage.

That's why, when I received my first "Where'due south Angie Stevens from Toyota of Orlando" email, I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Who cares?  She'southward probably on vacation.  Even car dealership spokespeople are entitled to take vacations.  She and Tom Park and Mr. Unbelievable accept probably loaded upward Four Runner and they're halfway to the Thousand Canyon past now."

But I couldn't ignore it for long.  More emails  - at which indicate I assumed it was Angie's family or publicist, trying to drum up a little churr.  With WESH conducting their "Best of Central Florida" contest, I'k constantly getting emails that say "Vote for me for...", and so I figured there must exist a category for "favorite automobile spokesperson" and the Angie emails were somehow connected.  Certainly, an endeavour to take down David Maus would have to include a serious PR effort.  (Equally a side notation, if there is such a category, my vote will go to the guy in Longwood with the wife in the peekaboo top, and all the kids, and the Ferris bike.  The best car dealerships ALWAYS have Ferris wheels.  Plus, if you've got $149 and a job, he'll put yous in a new car.  How nice is that?)

All the while, the emails connected to ringlet in about Angie...perhaps iii a 24-hour interval, maybe 200...I can't be certain. I don't rail those kinds of things.  I exercise have a life you know.

I decided, at that indicate, to reach out to my BFF Mitch English.  I let him know nigh all the emails, and assured him I didn't care most the discipline, but other people in Orlando did.  Certainly people with likewise much gratuitous time.  Mitch then confided in me that he and his wife Raquel had gone so far as to Google search Angie to find out what had happened.  Mitch said Raquel was "really bummed out.  She liked Angie a lot."  I chalked that up every bit crazy talk.  Can you really go attached to someone who is in your life for :60 second spurts, trying to sell you a Camry?  I mean it's not like Sam and Lee from Appliance Straight, who buy thirty minute ads, back-to-dorsum.  That does lend itself to bonding.

If y'all've tried to Google Angie, then you, too, know that she has left backside no clues.  Tom Park's website simply shows an empty box where Angie USED TO Exist. At present it'south just Elissa Walker Campbell and Belinda Pettite.

If Myspace is any indication,  Angie has reinvented herself - moving to Colorado where she headlines a traveling musical road testify that couples "Patty Griffin with Janis Joplin."  To respond your next question, "Yep, Angie does sing the national anthem."  I'd TOTALLY go see her if she played locally, similar at the House of Blues or something.

If you were to rely on Angie Stevens LinkedIn profile, we'd have to believe she's working in the customer service department of a Nashville hospital.

If you lot were to believe medical reports, Angie Stevens is now a gynecologist living in Indiana.

Or, maybe, selling existent manor in Mississippi.

So, the answer is, I accept no respond.  It's every bit mysterious as Mr. Toyota - or should I say, "Lily, the dead cat sniffer"?  There'southward definitely more than to this story.  Stay tuned.


Source: http://tackyfabulousorlando.blogspot.com/2008/08/angie-stevens-if-you-can-read-this.html

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