Best Dna Ancestry Site to Upload Raw Datea

dna sites for raw data uploads

By ⁠Dr. Brandon Colby MD, a genetic testing skillful specializing in advanced genetic analysis and clinical genomics.

There'due south a lot of value in taking a Dna test. More value than many people realize. It's not until people realize they tin upload Deoxyribonucleic acid data to many different sites that they understand how much value can be unlocked from the data obtained from their Dna test.

Complimentary Dna Upload Sites: Summary

Many DNA sites permit people to upload their raw DNA data to utilise their analytical tools. While uploading data to the site is complimentary, virtually DNA companies will then charge for the analysis of the data.

When considering the cost vs. value of information, it is worth it. This is especially true for those who take invested in Deoxyribonucleic acid tests that test more of the genome, such as in the case of ⁠whole genome sequencing. With more advanced Dna testing, analysis reports are much more than complete.

However, even without sequencing your unabridged genome, it may all the same advantageous for you to upload your raw DNA information to sites offering analysis. This article identifies Dna sites that allow free DNA uploads.

Table Of Contents

Deoxyribonucleic acid Sites: Get More from Uploading Raw DNA Data

Some DNA testing companies offer analysis open up their site up to people to upload their Deoxyribonucleic acid results. As long as it is a reputable company, the practice is usually safe and secure, and it can significantly increase the corporeality of information derived from a DNA test.

Tip: One way to quickly determine whether a company is reputable is to search Google for the visitor name followed past Better Business Bureau. The first search result is commonly to the Better Business Bureau's folio about that company.

How do sites that allow for DNA data uploads increase the amount of information derived from a DNA test?

Most Deoxyribonucleic acid companies online offering genetic testing services for a specific purpose. For instance, 23andMe, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA, and AncestryDNA sell DNA tests to analyze ethnicity, genetic health, and possible DNA matches to people on the site. People who buy their DNA kit will receive the analysis report with information about their genetic data.

Unfortunately, many people believe that'south all they tin can go from their DNA exam. They don't even realize there is raw information they can download.

Downloading that raw data is the right of anyone who purchases a Dna test because after all, it is THEIR personal data.

What tin can be done with that data? It can be uploaded to other Dna sites for analysis.

Then, what 1 site doesn't analyze for, another one may analyze it. What this means is that your data holds style more data than what some DNA sites are revealing.

The adept news is that since you now know there is more than y'all can larn from your DNA data, yous can showtime taking advantage of all the free DNA upload sites that are bachelor.

A Message for People Searching for Free Deoxyribonucleic acid Upload Sites

Chances are since you're looking for "free Dna upload sites" y'all already know there's more than you can practise with your DNA. You know you tin download your Dna information and upload it to other sites for additional analysis, equally mentioned in a higher place.

What you're hoping to larn is what other sites will analyze your Deoxyribonucleic acid data.

Before y'all get excited though, you should know gratis Dna upload sites are free for uploading, but not most of them accuse for the analysis. This means y'all tin upload your DNA data without cost but if you desire the assay report from the Dna site, you may accept to pay a fee.

This may be a thwarting, simply don't let stand in your manner of taking advantage of your raw data file. The data you lot can get from it even if you have to pay for the assay is worth it.

Now that we take the details out of the manner, let's move on to identifying all the free Dna upload sites bachelor right now.

Our Listing of Free Deoxyribonucleic acid Upload Sites

free dna upload sites

The following Deoxyribonucleic acid sites are categorized by the information they provide users.

Ancestry and Family Finder

These sites offering many tools to acquire more about ethnicity, ancestry and discover unknown family unit members, which can exist quite useful for ⁠finding an adopted child online or biological parents as an adoptee.



GEDmatch does non sell DNA examination kits. Users must ⁠upload raw Dna data to GEDmatch.

The site specializes in providing advanced tools to dig deeper into ⁠genetic genealogy. Users have been able to track down family unit members and larn a great deal almost their family history.

The site is completely free to utilize. There is no cost for the analysis making information technology i of the all-time gratuitous DNA upload sites.

Hint: GEDmatch is owned by Verogen, a company that specializes in forensic science and law enforcement. If you lot're concerned about law enforcement peradventure accessing your DNA data, Verogen's ownership of GEDmatch may be an important consideration.


Sequencing is the world's largest collection of DNA assay apps and reports. You can upload Dna information from any DNA test to Sequencing and so use their apps and reports to obtain insights about ancestry, health, nutrition, fitness, dazzler, and longevity.

Sequencing is discussed further down in this commodity.



MyTrueAncestry has ancient Deoxyribonucleic acid samples from over 85 archeological dig sites. Users can upload their Dna to learn about their ancient beginnings. It identifies relations to ancient civilizations.

The claim to fame for this site is that it doesn't use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to identify a generic haplogroup like other Dna companies. It compares autosomal DNA directly to ancient samples and then that it can reveal a specific ancient group, such equally the Vikings.

The site does have a gratuitous feature, which includes an upload and analysis of one DNA file, bones maps, and a full general timeline.

For boosted information, there are many tiers bachelor which can range from about $40 to nearly $400. How far you desire to get with the tiers depends on how much genetic genealogy you want to perform on the site.


myheritage dna logo

⁠MyHeritage became popular with its beginnings specialization. The site has one of the largest genetic search engines online, so it's a groovy option for genealogical enquiry.

As you can read in our ⁠MyHeritage review, the company has washed a great job helping people find relatives they didn't know existed.

The DNA testing visitor offers a ⁠MyHeritage Dna kit. The data is instantly analyzed and results returned to test takers. That data can be downloaded and then upload to other DNA sites.

The site as well always people to upload their Dna data. This adds more information to their rapidly growing database, which is why they honey it when people take advantage of their complimentary uploading.

Membership costs, which is what will enable uploaders to gain additional insight from their uploaded file range from $129 to $189 a twelvemonth. Membership gives people access to their chromosome browser as well equally other more information virtually ethnicity estimates.

Interesting in uploading Dna data to MyHeritage? Check out our ⁠how-to guide for uploading your data to MyHeritage.


Living DNA

⁠LivingDNA allows users to transfer their raw Dna to the site. They offer information on genetic matches, an ethnicity report, and ancestral geographic origins report from the British Isles.

It only takes a few minutes to hours to get your ethnicity results. The Deoxyribonucleic acid matches information can take a day or two.

Interesting in uploading DNA data to Living DNA? Check out our ⁠how-to guide for uploading your information to Living DNA.

African Ancestry

African Ancestry

This DNA site specializes in family history for people with an African lineage.

DNA data can be uploaded to the site, but there'south a $210 price for analyzing the data. That'due south a hefty toll comp, although the package does include a DNA sequence printout.

Surprising simply true, does not allow DNA data to exist uploaded to its site. If you lot've already taken a Deoxyribonucleic acid test from Ancestry, yous tin can download your examination information and and so ⁠upload your Ancestry Deoxyribonucleic acid data to other third-political party sites such as

Learn more than nearly ⁠alternatives to uploading DNA data to Beginnings.



⁠23andMe does not permit uploads. If you've taken a DNA exam from some other company, 23andMe does non allow you to upload that information to its site.

If yous've taken a 23andMe test, in that location is good news! 23andMe allows exam data to be easily downloaded from a 23andMe business relationship. Y'all can then ⁠upload your 23andMe data to 3rd-party sites.

Wellness & Wellness

For information on wellness and wellness, the following sites are keen options for uploading Deoxyribonucleic acid data.

Nebula Genomics

Nebula Genomics analyzes for genetic ancestry and health risks. They let Dna uploads from people who have already taken DNA tests from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and MyHeritage. One time your data is uploaded, you can then purchase reports to larn more about data.

In addition to apps for ancestry, Sequencing has dozens of unique Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis apps and reports for health and wellness. Sequencing allows data to be uploaded from whatsoever DNA test, such equally 23andMe, Ancestry, MyHeritage and even ⁠whole genome sequencing data.

Their DNA apps analyze Deoxyribonucleic acid data from any test so provide you with a genetic report. The reports are ordinarily very extensive and provide insights and guidance not available from whatsoever other site.

If you're concerned most privacy, Sequencing's ⁠Privacy First Policy is very clear that they don't sell data, including your Dna data, to anyone. This policy likewise states that you ain your data and can download and permanently delete your data at any time.

Sequencing is discussed further down in this article.

Genomelink encourages users to upload their Deoxyribonucleic acid data for 25 free trait reports. For additional trait data, they require a subscription.

While some sites provide comprehensive reports containing a broad variety of information near a person'due south genes, Genomelink primary provides small tidbits of information about a single trait. For example, they may provide information about whether you are more than likely to taste bitterness and whether you're more likely to take blue eyes.

Genomelink does not provide health-related analysis.


SelfDecode accepts Dna files from 23andMe, Ancestry, Courtagen, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, Atlas, MapMyGenome, Diagnomics, DNALand, Illumina, LivingDNA, and iGene.

The Deoxyribonucleic acid site has dissimilar subscription plans. All of them include unlimited admission to the Personalized Genetics Blog and the LabTestAnalyzer. The lifetime access plan offers unlimited access to current and future DNA Wellness Reports. The annual programme includes 5 Deoxyribonucleic acid Wellness Reports each yr.

SelfDecode's Dna assay reports are also available through's ⁠DNA App Shop.


This site isn't as well known merely they exercise offer uploading from 23andMe and Ancestry. They offer more than fifteen health reports and information on over 3,000+ genetic traits.

XCode also has different packages offer different types and numbers of reports. For instance, a contempo package included ix reports and analysis of 700+ traits for $99.


GenoPalate offers nutritional data based on genetics, called nutrigenomics. They clarify the optimal level of 23 different types of vitamins and nutrients for your trunk. It tin can also place the best foods for your body and how well it metabolizes different foods.

The site offers a Deoxyribonucleic acid testing kit, but people can upload their Dna examination results from AncestryDNA and 23andMe. The analysis costs $39.95. For even more than information, at that place's a $69.95.

Many people who upload their information to GenoPalate also employ:

  • DNAFit
  • Orig3n
  • Atheletigen
  • Vitagene
  • Fitness Genes

Additional Resources for Data Uploads


⁠Promethease is a technical literature retrieval organization started by genealogists. It offers information about health, affliction, and traits. Their scientific literature database pulls peer-reviewed journal articles provides data on the gene variants found in Dna data

The platform searches SNPs in the SNPedia database, which is a wiki site that has single-nucleotide polymorphisms.

Hint: Promthease is now owned by MyHeritage. This may exist an important consideration earlier ⁠uploading your DNA data to Promethease.

Promethease used to exist free but now costs $five-$x to utilise. The site accepts information uploads from:

  • 23andMe
  • Nebula Genomics
  • LivingDNA
  • FamilyTreeDNA
  • DNA.Land
  • Complete Genomics
  • Affymetrix GCOS
  • VCF (Standard VCFs from genome sequencing)
  • Illumina GenomeStudio
  • WeGene
  • Dante Labs (although they ⁠no longer permit downloading of DNA information)

⁠ is one of the all-time Dna upload sites because it has more than than 100 unlike DNA analysis apps for nigh anything y'all can desire to know about your DNA.

This site makes it uncomplicated to transfer a copy of your DNA data from almost any other DNA testing company. Once your DNA information is uploaded or imported to, your data can and then be used with any of the assay apps in their ⁠DNA App Shop.

Many of their Dna apps are free to utilise. This is much different from other DNA upload sites.

free dna test reports offers the about genetic data available, including hundreds of Deoxyribonucleic acid apps and reports for almost everything imaginable. They're the one-stop-shop for everything relating to your DNA.

Browsing the available apps will show you the amount of insight the apps tin can provide.

New DNA analysis apps and reports are added to the site's ⁠Deoxyribonucleic acid App Store every month.

free dna analysis

Visit the Deoxyribonucleic acid App Store

DNA Sites Non Allowing Raw Data Uploads

The following sites may offering genetic tests and the downloading of the data from them, they practice non allow people to upload their Dna to the site to utilize their assay tools.

  • ⁠23andMe
  • ⁠ - Read our commodity ⁠Upload DNA to Beginnings.
  • ⁠FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA)

While the to a higher place sites accept sold many Deoxyribonucleic acid tests and reports to users, sites like offering Ultimate Genome Sequencing, which is a ⁠30x whole genome sequencing service that obtains data on 100% of the genome. Compare this to the Dna tests from 23andMe and Ancestry that obtain data on less than 0.i% of the genome!

Even if you lot have already had your DNA tested, information technology is worth it to have some other 1 for more Dna data either with the Ultimate Dna Test or Whole Genome Sequencing service.

Purchase a DNA Examination

Learn more about them by clicking hither or upload your existing DNA data here.

Free DNA Data Upload

That completes our list of DNA sites that allow free uploads. Many volition think nosotros have left some Deoxyribonucleic acid sites off the list, merely that'southward considering many well-known sites do not support Deoxyribonucleic acid information uploads. If you know of a site that accepts Deoxyribonucleic acid uploads and should exist added to this list, please email[email protected].

⁠Dr. Brandon Colby Doc is a United states of america physician specializing in the personalized prevention of affliction through the employ of genomic technologies. He's an expert in genetic testing, genetic analysis, and precision medicine. Dr. Colby is also the Founder of and the writer of ⁠Outsmart Your Genes.

Dr. Colby holds an Md from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, an MBA from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, and a degree in Genetics with Honors from the University of Michigan. He is an Chapter Specialist of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (⁠ACMG), an Associate of the American College of Preventive Medicine (⁠ACPM), and a fellow member of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (⁠NSGC).


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